Colors derived from broad band observations, spectral line widths derived from long slit imaging, and stellar population models derived from physical theory are combined to bound stellar population age and chemical composition while mitigating the reddening effects caused by dust in the inter-stellar medium within the galaxy.
Careful radiometric and wavelength (horizontal axis) calibration allow for the extraction of line widths at different positions within the galaxy (vertical axis) which provide reddening free constraints on stellar population ages and chemical compositions.
Photometric calibration of B and K broad band images allow for B-K color measurements in the galaxy along the positions of the spectral slit. While colors such as B-K provide constraints on stellar population ages and chemical compositions they are also reddening by interstellar dust within the galaxy. The impact can be seen when combined with the reddening free line index and stellar population models.
The main purpose of this web site is to provide access to my PhD, which I defended successfully in November 2002 at Arizona State University. The abstract, defense talk, and the thesis are available at the links below in PDF. An abridged version of the thesis in HTML is currently under construction. Thank you for visiting my web site.